Saving holders may evaluate their savings by issuing securities from issuer companies, brokerage houses or securities exchanges. However, investing in securities requires knowledge and expertise. In addition, since individual savings generally do not reach sufficient size, the portfolios created by them are also risky portfolios. This risk may be the subject of capital or it may be a matter of bringing in the portfolio. For this reason, mutual funds and investment trusts, which are called collective investment institutions in the capital market, have been established.

A collective investment enterprise is called an investment fund when it is established as a separate and independent legal entity according to legal structures and a mutual fund when it is established by another legal entity within a contractual framework. Although they are similar to each other in terms of purpose and economic function, mutual funds and investment trusts are separated from each other in terms of their working style and service provided by investors.

This booklet explains the fundamentals of mutual fund investment, how the mutual fund works, what factors to consider before investing, and how to avoid potential hazards.